Wednesday, October 8, 2014

|| Significance of Geeta and Shreemad Bhgvatam ||

Death is  the most uncertain,unexpected moment for every living being for this world ! We have taken birth so we will die !! our ancient knowledge explains the importance of  dying in more details then the importance of living of life ,

The Geeta is a teaching  , given to Arjun at the battle field , teach us  about the art of Living , the song of geeta is around 45 min   ! divided in 18 chapters and contains 701 Slokas in total ,

The Shreemad Bhagvatam : is a knowledge given to the King Parixit who was at the death bed , teach us  about the art of Dying  , The Bhagvatam was spoken for 7 Days !  divided in to  18 cantos  and contains 18000 Slokas in total !!

Why there is a huge gap in the volume of both the literature ? 
because one is focused on  Life vs other on  Death ! whichever has more importance  comparatively  got the  higher weight-age !!

why Sanatan Dharma has put more weight-age on life after death?
There are two phases of our existence , so called Life and so called Death ? Everyone of us , suffer in the process of changing state (life to death and vice verse ) of our existences ,there are tons of suffering we experience from the point when we come to this  body and when we (soul) depart out of it , every time when we take a birth or die ,we will  traumatically experience suffering in the form of "Happiness or Sadness ",''Pass or Fail", "Good or Bad" ,"Love or Hate"' "Right or Wrong", "True or False ", "Ethical or unethical" "Man or Woman", successful or Loser","satisfied or Unsatisfied"etc etc , Depends on the sankalp and Vikalp of our mind , we experienced these suffering.

So the game or the Aim of every player is to come out of  this state changing process , and situated in to the eternal existence and experience which can never be exhausted  .  
    so the intelligence which can stop the process of these changing state is called "self Realization" ! the literature which has a knowledge and applied process with an exalted examples is called shreemad Bhagvatam !
   Just as the Ganga is considered the best among the rivers, Krishna – the most exalted among all deities and Lord Shiva as the best among the devotees of Krishna, similarly the Bhagavatam is considered the best among all the Puranas. It is the natural commentary of the Vedanta Sutra since it is written by the author, Vyasdev himself..

so what is a importance of geeta  ? 
for Example:to get qualified to play at national level , you need to be qualify at the state level  ,same way to get eligible to understand and digest the teaching of Shreemad Bhagvatam , we need to get qualify by following the footstep of Bhagvat Geeta,

Shree Krishn devide Geeta in to three categories in below sequence
1) Karma Yoga 2) Dhyan/Gyan Yog and 3) Bhakti Yog,if our Karm is appropriate, we are entitled for Gyan and Bhakti, In Geeta he explain in details about Krma and Gyan but the surrender and bhakti is been elaborated much in Shreemad Bhavatam . 

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