Thursday, September 11, 2014

|| Ekadashi Vrat ||

Ekadashi in Sanskrit means eleven. ‘Eka’ means “one” and ‘dasi’  means “ten”. we have 10 senses , which includes 5 gyan indriya and 5 karma indriya and the 11th one is Mind , this way we have eleven senses ,Ekadasi has given a highest  importance in  comparison of   other fasting ,  because other fasting is been observe by controlling any one of  eleven senses but in  ekadashi  , we need to control all of the eleven senses including Mind and focusing them to worshiping Lord Narayan , so as per the scripture the benefit and importance of fasting on ekadashi is unmatchable .

Scriptural Background :
During the era of Sat Yuga  , Murdhanav, the son of Nadijang, was a demon of immense strength. Through undertaking penance Murdhanav pleased Bhramaji such that he was granted a very much desired blessing from Bhramaji that prevented other Devs from being able to destroy him .  Devs were unable to withstand the battles and seek the shelter of Lord Narayan.
The Lord also demonstrated His divine leela, sports, and showed that He too was unable to endure the strength and power of the demons. After the battle, as if He had become totally exhausted, Lord Narayan went to the forest of BadriKashram and entered the cave called Sheevati . Murdhanav had followed the Lord, and entered the cave. At this  by lord's own  wish, from His 'eleven sense' a fast and fierce light emerged. From this lustre, a woman with divine weapons was born. At this time the demon Murdhanav became immensely attracted to the beautiful woman and said   "Oh you of outstanding beauty, I'm also unparalleled in looks age and power. I wish to marry you!" The Devi in reply to this said, "I have a vow. He who defeats me in a fight becomes my husband. To have me, you need to conquer me in a duel . The angry Devi killed Mudhanav by decapitating him with a sword.
 Lord Narayan granted a name Ekadashi to this divine  energy as she appeared from the 11 senses of the lord himself .  Lord Narayan became very pleased with Ekadashi and said, 'Oh destroyer of sins, by your birth today in all three worlds there is great happiness, so ask for a wish from me.' Seeing the Lord extremely delighted, Ekadashi said to the Lord, "If you are truly pleased with me, then I pray for all humans whom observe my vow, that all their wishes, in this world and the world above this one, are fulfilled. And he who fasts on my special day will become free of all sins and will attain   Moksha (ultimate salvation), and throughout their life in this world, will remain happy. Those who because of illness are unable to fast, observe the vow by doing Farahar, will also achieve the above. And oh my Lord, in all three worlds, all four yugas, all twelve months of the years may my vows will be spread"
 this prayer, pleased the Lord and He replied, "Devi, I shall grant you this very precious wish. From this day forward (from Magsar [month] shudh ekadashi) he who with my worship obeys your vow, shall also have their wishes fulfilled. If the observer of the vow is seeking salvation, then he shall achieve this. If he is seeking pleasures on this world and above this world, also achieve. 

Method of Fasting : Ekadashi fasting is unmatchable but very easy to execute ,

1.       For many people Fasting on ekadashi is like a Changing Diet :) , but that's not the way of fasting , Fasting for Ekadashi starts from the Sunrise on the day of Ekadashi till the Sunrise on the next day (Dwadashi), as we mention this is the day you restrict your senses from the gratification , try to control them by detachment of martial object and engage them completely in practicing the devotional service , as it mention in shreemad bhagvatam , we can pick any one of nine devotional service (as per our liking ) and try to worship lord vishnu . try to hear  , chant his name and fame as much as you can , there are many different ways you can engage all of your senses on today's day .
2.       Many devotee observe the fasting as Nirjala (without Water) , if you cannot observe  Nirjala that's completely fine , you can do it as we mention in step 3, but try to observe Bhima Ekadashi or Pandav Ekadashi as Nirajala , this will comes once in a  year , According to the Markandeya Purana and the Vishnu Purana, the day of Ekadashi is itself a form of Vishnu. The vrata observed on this day is said to wash away all sin. One who completes the vrata of Nirjala Ekadashi is mentioned to gain the favour of Vishnu, who grants him happiness, prosperity and forgiveness for sins. The devotee is described to receive the merit gained by the observance of all 24 ekadshis in the year.
3.      one must strictly avoid eating Grains and Rice  on Ekadashi. you can Eat once in a Day ,   we have mention some of the recipe web link for delicious cooking but again its not about changing the diet , its more about focusing on worshiping lord hari by controlling your 11 senses .

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