Friday, August 22, 2014

|| Karma and Destiny ||

Question 1: our destiny is fix?
if yes then whatever we written is decided by god ?

Question 2 :then why talk about sinful karma  and good karma ( pap and punya )

Question  3 : i heard there is very thin line between these ?

Below write-up will give you a combine answer for  all of above

 Our destiny is Fix by 90% but there is a small space called " free will " in hindi we called it as "Iccha"  ,and that can play a major role to change our destiny ,  lets understand how !

we have our karma which we accumulated from our previous births , out of which 50% is manifested in terms of giving us this body ( handsome, ugly  , handicap , beautiful, man , women etc)  in certain environment ( good family , bad family , good country..etc ) , sometimes we  think what this Mr.XYZ has done in his life that he took a birth at the house of this great person who is so well do .., that's all because of his 50% manifested karma , this 50% karma  died by giving us what we had at the time of our birth !

now rest 50% is still accumulated at our head which are yet-to and trying-to get manifested ! now how this work , if we have 1000Rs in our pocket , according to our un-manifested karma it will provoke us  to go to the strip club or beer bar or with some people who are not a good company to be with ,now there is a factor called  intelligence , if our intelligence is guided by the super soul and right knowledge ,  will tell us the right direction  but this intelligence is just a inner voice , this will never overcome our "free will ", our "freewill" is still in our hand , which will decide the way we choose  , the moment we choose the way to proceed  ,we became a victim of our next karma which is just being generated by the current act !!

""so un-manifested karma is utilized to  provoke us (+ve or -ve) to do something as per the previous karma -->we use our " freewill " to  executed what is been advised by Intelligence/ Mind or Temptation---> New karma is just being  generated by this act !! "" and the cycle of karma is rolling on and on and on.......
     Krishna said in Geeta: To do the Karma or not , is in our hand but once its been executed , whatever the reaction we have to accept , 

we all belongs to the spiritual world , but we had a desire to enjoy independently , same as the kids , who wants to have their own little house , little kitchen etc, so  parents   give them  a little castle to play with , same way when we all decent from the spiritual world  to material world (God created castle), we have to follow some law which has created to protect the castle , and thats called Law of Karma.

Now  to understand the role of mind , we , intelligence, senses and body  , please understand the below diagram ,

Kaṭha Upaniṣad 1.3.3-4)  The individual is the passenger in the car of the material body( chariot ), and intelligence is the driver  . Mind is the driving instrument ( string), and the senses are the horses. The self is thus the enjoy-er or sufferer in the association of the mind and senses. that's why its very important to sharpen our intelligence with right knowledge, then only it can take a control over mind , through mind  we can control our  senses , and eventually control the direction of our journey , else imagine a journey  of a passenger whose chariot  goes in the  direction as per the  will of the  horses !!

 krishna said in Geeta  : Arnjun i have told you whatever is truth for you to understand  , but you have to decide which way you want to go , i am your driver i will take you where you want ,

so krishna never force us for what we need to do , but if listen to him or ask him , he will guide us to the right direction  , same way in this chariot , Krishna is charioteer and we are the soul as a passenger  , if we give our control to him ( his knowledge what he share in Geeta), we can never be lost.


  1. Shree Hari !!

    How to control our mind to go in right direction? how do we ask krishna to take us in right direction or stop us by not doing wrong things.

  2. Sorry for Being Late ...

    It is certainly worthwhile knowing how to control the mind. Lord Krishna says in the Bhagavad-gita that the mind can be controlled by constant "practice and detachment."(—Bhagavad-gita, 6.35). He says that wherever and whenever the mind wanders, due to its flickering and unsteady nature, we must bring it back under the control of the Self (—Bhagavad-gita, 6.26).

    The mind is like a child; a child is attracted to everything. It wants everything but not all things are good for it. Some things are even the parent must discipline...Sometimes the child becomes angry and cries but the parent is determined to give the best thing even if at first it seems uncomfortable to the child.

    In a similar way the intelligence and the spiritual being that we are must control the mind. The mind is attracted to so many material things and everywhere we look, someone is telling us that if just have one material thing or another then we will be happy...but it always proves to be false.

    No matter how much we get, still we're dissatisfied. So the mind must be disciplined and by practice we must learn to pull it away from those things that are not good for it. Detachment is helpful because if we can understand that real happiness comes not from material things, but rather from a loving relationship with Krishna, then we can become detached from all the pushings of material desires and we can control the mind.

    Therefore, "constant practice and detachment." Ultimately, we must develop a higher taste. Lord Krishna says, "The embodied soul may be restricted from sense enjoyment, though the taste for sense objects remains. But, ceasing such engagements by experiencing a higher taste, he is fixed in consciousness." (— Bhagavad-gita 2:59).

    That higher taste is engaging in devotional service, the easiest of which is chanting the Lord's holy Names and executing devotional service , without practising devotional service its very difficult to attain detachment
    I hope this is helpful.
