Friday, August 22, 2014

|| Karma and Destiny ||

Question 1: our destiny is fix?
if yes then whatever we written is decided by god ?

Question 2 :then why talk about sinful karma  and good karma ( pap and punya )

Question  3 : i heard there is very thin line between these ?

Below write-up will give you a combine answer for  all of above

 Our destiny is Fix by 90% but there is a small space called " free will " in hindi we called it as "Iccha"  ,and that can play a major role to change our destiny ,  lets understand how !

we have our karma which we accumulated from our previous births , out of which 50% is manifested in terms of giving us this body ( handsome, ugly  , handicap , beautiful, man , women etc)  in certain environment ( good family , bad family , good country..etc ) , sometimes we  think what this Mr.XYZ has done in his life that he took a birth at the house of this great person who is so well do .., that's all because of his 50% manifested karma , this 50% karma  died by giving us what we had at the time of our birth !

now rest 50% is still accumulated at our head which are yet-to and trying-to get manifested ! now how this work , if we have 1000Rs in our pocket , according to our un-manifested karma it will provoke us  to go to the strip club or beer bar or with some people who are not a good company to be with ,now there is a factor called  intelligence , if our intelligence is guided by the super soul and right knowledge ,  will tell us the right direction  but this intelligence is just a inner voice , this will never overcome our "free will ", our "freewill" is still in our hand , which will decide the way we choose  , the moment we choose the way to proceed  ,we became a victim of our next karma which is just being generated by the current act !!

""so un-manifested karma is utilized to  provoke us (+ve or -ve) to do something as per the previous karma -->we use our " freewill " to  executed what is been advised by Intelligence/ Mind or Temptation---> New karma is just being  generated by this act !! "" and the cycle of karma is rolling on and on and on.......
     Krishna said in Geeta: To do the Karma or not , is in our hand but once its been executed , whatever the reaction we have to accept , 

we all belongs to the spiritual world , but we had a desire to enjoy independently , same as the kids , who wants to have their own little house , little kitchen etc, so  parents   give them  a little castle to play with , same way when we all decent from the spiritual world  to material world (God created castle), we have to follow some law which has created to protect the castle , and thats called Law of Karma.

Now  to understand the role of mind , we , intelligence, senses and body  , please understand the below diagram ,

Kaṭha Upaniṣad 1.3.3-4)  The individual is the passenger in the car of the material body( chariot ), and intelligence is the driver  . Mind is the driving instrument ( string), and the senses are the horses. The self is thus the enjoy-er or sufferer in the association of the mind and senses. that's why its very important to sharpen our intelligence with right knowledge, then only it can take a control over mind , through mind  we can control our  senses , and eventually control the direction of our journey , else imagine a journey  of a passenger whose chariot  goes in the  direction as per the  will of the  horses !!

 krishna said in Geeta  : Arnjun i have told you whatever is truth for you to understand  , but you have to decide which way you want to go , i am your driver i will take you where you want ,

so krishna never force us for what we need to do , but if listen to him or ask him , he will guide us to the right direction  , same way in this chariot , Krishna is charioteer and we are the soul as a passenger  , if we give our control to him ( his knowledge what he share in Geeta), we can never be lost.