Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Mata Kai Kai and Lord Ram

There are two  variation of this leela 

1st : Anything in service to Lord Ram is devotion, 
  • Wrath or anger/Lust to serve Lord is actually devotion,in this example we have seen Mata kaikai reflect wrath or lust but actually its a service for lord, 
  • Similarly Hanuman represent Wrath while burning lanka but thats a service to lord Ram, there are many examples like that, 
  • Surpankha shows Lust while approaching lord ram, but bhagvan took that  as devotion in mathurya and accept her in krishna leela as Kubja and became famous as a part of Mathura leela.
  • If you have seen Shree Ram was Ram till Mata Kai Kai episode took place, Bhagwan Shree Ram ko RAM Se Age Ramatva ki Prapti karane wali mata Kai Kai hai, Lord Ram ke  Gun and Charitra revealed to us after kai kai mata episode
  • The entire character  of each family members and  behavior reflected or noticed after kai kai episode, else how would we know, Sita charitra, Lakshman Charitra, Dashrath maharaja Charitra, Bharat Mahataj Charitra, Shatrughna charitra, Hanuman charitra, Vibhishans devotional practice, Jatayu Samarpan and  Sabri Mata devotion etc. 
  • Ramayan 80%is based on Ram Vanvas,
  • Bhagvan select his true devotee to his pastime, Mata Kai kai loved Ram the Most, more then bharat, thats a Reason Shree Ram allow Mata kai kai to participate in biggest event of his life
  • We been given the character of lord Ram to follow, but the person behind to reveal this  Character ( RAMATVA) is Mata Kai kai, 
  • Same way you seen Jay Vijay,  every birth they shows Demon qualities but in reality they are the associates of Lord Hari in Vaikunth 

2nd: Association

  • This past-time also point-out the value of Association,  its very important whom you are associate with! , 
  • Here, a mother who is  in intense love with Ram became  victim of bad association of Manthra, it says its better to have an enemy  of higher character then to a friend of lower character ! 
  • It doest matter you are next to Hari or Demon, you association is very important, 
  • Mata kai kai staying with  Lord Ram, Premi Bharat and Maharaja Dashrath, but her association with Manthra made her poisonous(in leela) , Same for Duryothan as well,
  • While on other hand, Maharaja Vibhishan staying in Lakna, surround by Demons, but his constant chintan ( association ) of Katha and Raam Naam, made him reach to lord Ram by Shree Hanuman

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Ancient Varn system

Chapter 4 text 13

cātur-varṇyaṁ mayā sṛṣṭaṁ
tasya kartāram api māṁ
viddhy akartāram avyayam

“According to the three modes of material nature and the work associated with them, the four divisions of human society are created by Me”. 

Varna means duty or occupation, he clearly mention   that he devided (vibhāgaśaḥ) this society based on " Gun and karma"(guṇa-karma) not by birth !!

     It means son of lawyer would not be layer, he is  a lawyer  if  has  a quality (gun ) and he   practice ( karma) Law, same way a son of Brahman is not a bhraman if he does not have a quality of bhraman  as well  he  don’t practice the way brahma should practice or behave!!similarly for all Khastriy and Vaishya !  That is how varnavyavastha is been Developed by Krishna 

Now how each should behave? 
Brahman: situated in mode of goodness, never work under any class, behave as a advisor/guide for the society, because they are independent , their advise is independent! their role is to advise without fear and motive!  for reference  take a ex: king vena from bhagvatam ,and chanakya , bad example is in Mahabharat, Guru Dron was accepting favor from dhutrastra that’s a reason he could not chose his side independently
Kshatriyas : Is the administrative class, technically called the kṣatriyas due to their being situated in the mode of passion. they are protector and maintainer, their role is protect and manage brahamans , Cows and Citizens of the kingdom,  Best ex: King Ram, King Yudhisthir, King Dashrath
Vaishya : The mercantile men, called the vaiśyas, are situated in the mixed modes of passion and ignorance, they are businessmen, their role is to do farming, take care of cows and feed the society. best ex: Nand maharaj

Shudra: They are in a Mode of ignorance, they are motivated by sense enjoyment, they cannot think beyond their own self /Family one !! that’s a reason they are classified as shudra they cannot take any other role as  Brhaman, Khatriya , VAishya, as all other class need sacrifice and motive  to serve society, as a Bahaman Chanakya advise Dhanand boldly without any fear, he sacrifice his life to developed Chandragupt for the welfare of Bharat,  King ram as a kshatruya Sacrifice his wife to give  a priority to Raj Dharma above to his self /family ,  

Since they donot have quality of any of these three varn they classified as Shudra, Shudra is not a cast it’s a Designation, their role is to serve all these three classes and return they will get paid/salaried/maintained by three class, and non of upper class would exploit or harm them, in the explanation you shared, didn’t say you should not give respect, respect is irrespective to the class or birth and should be given to all, yes but since they are shudra they should not expect any respect! If Sudra try to take a charge of anyof this varn that’s a havoc as they will exploit that workor work ethics by kepping self /family in center, so they cannot think beyond themselves ! Ex: Drona Charya ask a Dakshina from Eklavya, Its not because he was shudra its because he do not have a  quality of discrimination ! Kshatriya is not just who is skilled in Archery, He accepted friendship of Duryodhan without discrimination, he accepted based on his self-interest /favor/under influence of duryodhan,

These entire Varnavayvastha is functioning so well and that’s a reason india or bharat varsh was flooded with prosperity and happiness,  Recently the major society is dominated by shudra,  As Majority cannot think beyond our family and food! So the  politician whom we  vote! They come to power to build their bank balance ! as shudra cannot think beyond sense gratification, that’s a reason when the society is ruled by shudra there is a havoc !
And Krishna Consciousness  is beyond these, its an aid to transcendent any Varna or Ashram, the society structure was  arrange in such a way that every citizen get an appropriate time to practice devotional service but in current age, its shudra driven society because its based on Sense gratification!! People work day and night  for the instrument of sense gratification  and they being ignorant, forgot the motive of life and that is to  attain Spiritual word

As well Please Refer .Bhagvat Geeta AS IT IS, it will help you to understand more logically.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

World, Soul and Super Soul

Q: Prabhu ji.. jsk
Please  explain if we all have inner soul n super soul with in us who is guiding to the direction. ... and if he is like a friend then why he make us suffer ? Why can't he just take us to where we belong.
Please  try to elaborate in verse of chapter 13 text 30 of Bhagvat gita

We never suffer or enjoy because of Super soul, Super soul  is a like a witness and guide for  what we want and what we do, we enjoy and suffer by our own sense perception and our previous karm, super soul would not interfere in it, he is guiding  us for every act we want to perform , doesn’t mater if a person wants to do the welfare or want to plant the Bomb, both act is performed by his sanction who is sitting inside as a super soul by granting our desire to act. But the reaction of every action what we perform has to be in our bucket ! and we have to enjoy or suffer based on our sense perception.

Take a Example of your daughter: 
when your wife is working in kitchen, she wants to cook as well, though she could not, but after denying many times, she started crying and lamenting that mom is so bad she is not allowing me to cook,

 so one day you decide to buy a toy kitchen from market, give her little area  to setup a   toy kitchen and now she is playing, though she got the toy kitchen and area to play with your sanction, you wound not interfere in her play, though you watch her act.because if you interfere she will say if you want to   rule my toy kitchen then  whats a use of owning my own kitchen! so you refrain to interfere in her play .. she is playing happily till she realize its not deriving much happiness , then she comes to her mom and enjoy the nice dishes prepared by her mom… 
       Here mother's Kitchen is a Spiritual world, Toy kitchen is a Material World, the daughter is "we all"  and that parents are our supreme father Vishnu and mother Lakshmi. we wanted to enjoy independently so he create this multi storied material planet (6 swarg and 6 Patal lok),  to maintain the planet he has a algorithm called Karma, and based on this we are getting  happiness  and pain.
  so what would be solution to get out this chain ? its very simple, we need to realize we get bored of this toy play, as its says in katha Upnishad (Remember the up side down Tree we discussed few days back)

samāne vṛkṣe puruṣo nimagno
'nīśayā śocati muhyamānaḥ
juṣṭaṁ yadā paśyaty anyam īśam asya
mahimānam iti vīta-śokaḥ

"Although the two birds are in the same tree, the eating bird is fully engrossed with anxiety and moroseness as the enjoyer of the fruits of the tree(Material world). But if in some way or other he turns his face to his friend who is the Lord and knows His glories-at once the suffering bird becomes free from all anxieties.”

       because when we realize this fact, the same moment we initiate our preparation to get back to home , back to god head and he also make sure his kids get all the apps to reach him.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Very good answer for the Movies like PK and OMG

  if you want the essence of the drama , watch it from  21st Min on-wards ...


Friday, November 21, 2014

"Tota Gopinath" at jaganath Puri

i (Vithoba) can stand for you or i can Sit(Tota Gopinath) for you , you tell me my Dear Devotee , whatever you wish , i will do " ~ Krishn
we all know vithoba is standing for his loving devotee pundrik maharaj @ pandharpur , today will see how he is sitting to accept a seva from his Gadadhar...
Sri Tota Gopinath is exquisitely beautiful self-manifested Deity of Lord Sri Krishna. Sri Tota Gopinath is also a most unique Deity because He is the only Krishn Deity in the world “sitting down” and playing His flute. tough he was not this sitting posture before !! will read this later in this narration that how the merciful lord changed his standing posture 
Tota Gopinath has such a charismatic bewitching quality that draws one to His darshan over and over again. At 7am during darshanv time, upon request, the pujari can show a small golden streak on Gopinath’s right knee where Mahaprabhu entered the Lord.

Gopinath temple is situated in Sri Ksetra Jagannath Puri Dham in an area named "Yamesvar Tota". When Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu took sannyas, He stayed at Jagannath Puri Dham for 18 years. Sri Gadadhar Pandit also came with Mahaprabhu. Most of Mahaprabhu’s other associates in Navadvip remained in Bengal; they came to Puri only once in a year, for the four months of the rainy season, to attend the Lord Jagannath Rathayatr and to see Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. But Gadadhar Pandit couldn’t bear to be separated from the Lord, and the Lord couldn’t bear to be separated from Him. So He was permitted to stay with Mahaprabhu in Puri. Gadadhar Pandit resided here at Sri Tota Gopinatha Temple Location . While residing here in this peaceful garden of trees and creepers, Gadadhar Pandit recited Srimad-Bhagavatam every afternoon. Mahaprabhu attended regularly and heard recount the stories of Dhruva Maharaj and Prahlad Maharaj 100 times.
One day here, Sri Caitanyadev experienced immense separation from Lord Krishna. Crying out, “Where is My Prananath,” Gauranga started digging the earth to search of His Lord. Feeling the carved stone mukuta of a murti below the ground, Gaurahari declared, “Gadai (Gadadhar), I have found a most precious treasure here. Would you like to accept it?” Noticing the head of a murti emerging from the sand, Gadadhara helped Gauranga uncover a most beautiful Deity of Supreme Lord Sri Krishna.
Mahaprabhu named the Deity, Gopinath and because He appeared in this garden called Tota in Oriya the devotees called Him," Tota Gopinatha". Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu gave the responsibility of Sri Tota Gopinatha’s service to His most dear Gadadhar Pandit, and also awarded Him ksetra-sannyasa.
Sri Tota Gopinatha Deity is very beautiful. Sri Vrindavan Das Thakur describes Sri Tota Gopinatha’s beauty in his Sri Caitanya-Bhagavat as follows:
gadadhara bhavane mohana Gopinatha
achene, ye hena nanda-kumara saksat
apane Caitanya tare kariyachena kole
ati pasandi-o se vigraha dekhe bhule
dekhi sri-murali mukha angera bhangima
nityananda ananda asura nahi sima
(Sri Caitanya-Bhagavat Antya 7.114)
“In the house of Gadadhar there is most attractive Gopinath. This Deity looks exactly like son of Nanda Himself is sitting there. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu Himself had held Him in His lap. Even most atheistic person will be changed to see this Deity. By seeing the posture of the body and face with flute Lord Nityanand sheds tears of bliss limitlessly.”

The Deity of Sri Tota Gopinath was previously in standing form and was being worshiped by Sri Gadadhara Pandit. But after the departure of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Gadai (Gadadhar) felt devastated. His body got bent over from intense agony of separation from his beloved Gaur hari. Although he was only 47 years old, Gadadhara became lean and thin like an old man. Incapable of lifting his arms, Gadai could neither dress Tota Gopinatha nor offer Him candan and flower garlands. Gadadhar thought it best to engage another pujari in worshiping the Lord. In a dream that night, Tota Gopinath appeared and said:
“Why do you want to engage another pujari in My seva? I only want you to serve Me.”
Gadadhara replied, “O Prananath! Due to my condition, I can no longer stand up and serve You properly.”
Lord Gopinatha said, “No, I insist that you alone serve Me. If you are finding difficulty, then from tomorrow I will become shorter.”Next morning when Gadadhar entered the Deity room to serve Gopinath, he saw an amazing sight. The most merciful Lord had sat down in order to receive service from his hands.
After the Disappearance of Sri Gadadhara Pandit, another devotee by name Mamu Thakur took care of Sri Tota Gopinath Deities. Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu used to call him Mama, which is Bengali for uncle; in Orissa, "uncle" is Mamu. Thus he was known as Mamu Thakur among the people.Do not forget to visit this temple and beloved Tota Gopinath if you visit Jagannath Puri

Monday, November 17, 2014

Q: What happens after we die ? 

Ans: life after death is very interesting question and always generate lots  of curiosity  and reflects as a  basic symptoms for the person embarking on the path the self realization , the answer of this question is elaborated in Garud  puran as well as shrimad bhagvatam and Brahmasamhita, i will  try to summarized it as short as possible ,

we , A human body is divided in to two sub bodies
1) Material Body 2) subtle body

1) Material Body is comprised of 5 Elements
 Air , water , Either, fire ,Earth

2) Subtle Body is comprised of  three elements
      Mind , Intelligence and False-ego

     so if we do the dissection of self , we looks like this  

Now when we die ,we lose our Material Body and initiate our traveling with the subtle-body !

so Mr.Human is separated in  two bodies , a)  Mr. Material b) Mr. Subtle  
after the death ! Mr Human  is left on the planet , and will get  burned or buried and his or her picture is   hang  on the wall with Rs 20 Garland :) , while   Mr.Subtle is ready to go to Airport  to catch a flights based on his  Karma and Kama( Deeds and Desire) ! these both plays an  important roles for our next body  , so its very much important to purify our desire ( KAMA) and execute our karma , the Ideal process is recommended by Krishna in Geeta is called Bhakti Yoga or Devotional Services ,

Now as per Geeta  Text 14.18 , our destination is categorised based on three  mode (sato,Rajo,Tamo)
"Those situated in the mode of goodness gradually go upward to the higher planets; those in the mode of passion live on the earthly planets; and those in the abominable mode of ignorance go down to the hellish worlds."

as krishna mentioned above ,  there are  14 regions of material world  ,  divided as  :  6 Upward , 7 Downward , 1 Bhulok ( Earth)

6 Upward: Bhuvrlok,  SwargLok , Maharlok , Janlok, Tapalok, Satyalok or Brahmalok
7 Downward: Atal Lok , Vital Lok, Sutal Lok ,Talatal, Mahatal, Rasatal, Patal

depends on the Lok you belong ,you  will get a  body , sometimes you destined to get the  same Lok where you die but with the Lower Body , then in that case you will be  sent in the training camp to get use to that kind of body  , for example you destined to be pig !! so you have to get train to eat stools , and that training place is called Narak where Yam Dut will give you a hands on training :) , Details on this part is explain in "Garud Puran"

As krishna said in Geeta 8;16

"From the highest planet in the material world down to the lowest, all are places of misery wherein repeated birth and death take place. But one who attains to My abode, O son of Kunti never takes birth again"

The entire Material Universe , doesn't matter how comfortable or opulent  or attractive it appears  , they are not even close to what is in Spirituals world ,as Material world is  not excused from Birth and death ..   these planets are perishable so their citizens too.. ( Including the Topmost Living being in Material world , Bharm Dev )

Above is the rough sketch of the person who destined to travel in material universe and force to take repetitions of birth and death based on Kama and Karma , there are other elite platinum passengers at the airport who enjoy the VIP lounge facility and has a Special Flights :), Those are no one but the devotee of the Lord and  waiting to catch a flight for Krishna Lok  , because Krishna said in Geeta 15.6

  "That supreme abode of Mine is not illumined by the sun or moon, nor by fire or electricity.        Those who reach it never return to this material world."

Monday, October 13, 2014

1. If I know goal is krsna and firmly believes it too but due to my commitments towards family not able to do proper devotional service to lord then how come my goal will be achieved? 2. Suppose till I m alive and my responsibility are not fulfilled n I keep on struggling to fulfill my family needs as per the material world ... what will be the best way to achieve my goal?

Question :
1. If I know goal is krsna and firmly believes it too but due to my commitments towards family not able to do proper devotional service to lord then how come my goal will be achieved?
2. Suppose till I m alive and my responsibility are not fulfilled n I keep on struggling to fulfill my family needs as per the material world ... what will be the best way to achieve my goal?


There are two Kind of Family life.

A. GrahMedhi  , B.Grahstha

 he has made his center of life is  wife and family. The grhamedhis, live only for the benefit of the family members, extended or centralized,
      They have many subject matters for hearing—political, scientific, social, economic and so on—but due to a poor fund of knowledge, they set aside the question of the ultimate miseries of life, namely miseries of birth, death, old age and disease.
      Grhamedhis, being illusion by the material nature, forget everything about self-realization. This person wants to remain in this material world. His activity is to enjoy material benefits by performing religious rituals for economic development and thereby ultimately satisfy the senses. He does not want anything more
      Just like a bull  tied with the rope and  a fixed   wood, and it  is going round & Round ,  same way  grhamedhi   has fixed up his center, the wife and children, and going round throughout the whole life , wasted his entire life and dies .    Such a person works very hard throughout his life to become very rich and eat very nicely and drink. By giving some charity for pious activity he can go to a higher planetary atmosphere in the heavenly planets in his next life, but he does not want to stop the repetition of birth and death ,
   said by Prahlada Maharaja : [Srimad-Bhagavatam  7.5.30] they prefer to chew the already chewed. Again and again they experience the material pangs, even if they are rich and prosperous, but they do not want to give up this kind of life.


The grhastha is , who lives together with wife and children but has no blind attachment for them , They understand the Goal of life , He lives transcendentally according to the regulative principle for realizing the ultimate truth. They  works to find the ultimate solution to the problems of life that is to go back home, back to Godhead, and thus, as stated in the Bhagavad-gita (8.16), the miseries of material existence—birth, death, old age and disease—are removed.
  He prefers to live in family life rather than as a mendicant or sannyasi, but his chief aim is that of relevant inquiries to achieve self-realization . The grhastha  is as good as the life of a sannyasi, 

He is responsible for  the Deliverance of those Souls ( Wife , Childeren ) who came at his shelter for this lifetime, its his duty to make sure when his wife and kids leaves their body , will get libration , The duty of Wife is also very important in this ,a qualified wife is an assistant in every respect for advancement in spiritual activities.

  To  practice the devotional service or becaming krishna counsious , we dont need to go to forest or sitting 12 hours in front of  Alter , Krishna conscious is all about adapting a Devotional life style ,few simple steps can change your normal life in Krishna conscious life

1.      Cleanliness : make sure your house and the area where you live is nice an Clean.
2.       Diet  :  family member should eat Satvik  , homemade and healthy Food , one must offer food first to Thakurji before we eat it , this way you are having  karma free diet .
3.      Start and End  you Day with Chanting or Puja , Reading Satvik books , rather then  TV , Ajjtak or NDTC , FaceBook or whats app
4.      Follow Four regulative principle , and Chant Maha mantra ( very important).
5.      once in a week , sit with your kids and teach them Geeta and bhagvatam in terms of Story , and take them to Krishna temples.
6.       Above 5 steps  is not stopping us to loving your wife or kids ,having fun with your friends ,  buying them toys or going out on vacation but whatever we do we should know the limits and  that  should not overrules our above 5  basic points ,

Gradually Devotional lifestyle benefit your entire family, you would not need to do any special effort to make them devote , they automatically became a Devotee

i am sure these process is easy to follow and you wont lose anything !!we can be  grahstha and attain krishna , there are many great grahastha who attain krishna without going to forest or sacrificing their household life .